The one when we celebrate RailsConf 2024
The one with a lot of solutions and ideas for Turbo and Hotwire.
The one with many discussions about code design in Ruby
The one where we discuss Ruby maintainability, how to convince C-level people to keep using Ruby, and that 2023 was the year with the most contributions to Ruby
The one where we talk about new Ruby syntax, split the Gems and Updates into 3 categories: New, Updates, and Keep an Eye on, and a lot of code samples and good code design discussions.
This edition has new sections for Ruby code: Code Samples, Code Design, and Around Code. This way, you can go quickly to what is of interest to you!
Check out the new section Why choose Ruby! Don't forget the other sections that cover: new tools, a lot of code samples, some excellent discussions, and great advice for developers.
Find out about new products launched, events and code samples along with library updates. A lot is happening each week in Ruby.