The one about the Ruby 3.3.3 release together with the Security for Rails developers book pre-sale launch and finding out that Ruby is the highest paying job so far in 2024
The one about book discounts, RubyConf CFP open, YJIT performance benchmarks, and many code samples.
Conferences announced their lineups and agenda, Ruby 3.3.2 was released, Rails 7.2 beta was announced, and a wide range of code samples and discussions.
The one where we deep dive into frozen strings
Ruby 3.4 preview launched, Rails 8 development has started and a deep discussion about namespaces in Ruby. Plus a lot more inside.
The one when we celebrate RailsConf 2024
The one with a lot of solutions and ideas for Turbo and Hotwire.
The one with many discussions about code design in Ruby
The one where we discuss Ruby maintainability, how to convince C-level people to keep using Ruby, and that 2023 was the year with the most contributions to Ruby