Short Ruby Newsletter - edition 113

The one where we have two web framework releases, Rails 8 and Hanami 2.2, and two Rubies releases, Ruby 3.3.6 and JRuby - it is the best time to code!

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Table of Contents

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πŸš€ Launches and discounts

Source: @RubyCademy

πŸ“… Events

πŸ“… Brighton Ruby announced videos from 2024 are up and the tickets for 2025 are on sale

πŸ‘‰ Ruby Conf shared about Ruby Conf Hack Day

Source: @rubyconf

πŸ“… Check for meetups or conferences happening this week and don’t forget to submit yours if you are organising one.

πŸ‘‰ All about Code and Ruby

πŸ‘‹ Please take a few seconds to reflect if you want to upgrade your newsletter subscription to a paid version. You will enjoy an ad-free edition and support the newsletter for as low as 8$ per month. Here are more reasons why I think you should upgrade to paid.

Source: @dhh

Nony Dutton added:

πŸ‘‰ J Ruby Dev Team announced a new version of JRuby Released

Source: @jruby

Source: @andycroll

πŸ’» Code Samples

οΈπŸ’» Xavier Noria shared about using Module#set_temporary_name:

Source: @fxn

Other ways to achieve the same:

Source: @pankowecki

Source: @_m27e

πŸ’» Samuel Williams shared in context of running bundler in paralell about configuring MAKEFLAGs:

πŸ’» Ufuk Kayserilioglu shared about the all-ruby tool


πŸ’» Thiago Araujo shared a code sample


οΈπŸ’» RoR vs Wild shared about importing a lot of records:

Source: @rorvswild

️ Esparta shared a code sample about literals - Documentation for Ruby 3.4

οΈπŸ’» Ruby Cademy shared a code sample about normalizes macro:

Source: @RubyCademy

οΈπŸ’» Lucian Ghinda shared about ruby/debug gem:

Source: @ahmednadar

οΈπŸ’» Ruby Cademy shared about using immutable_string:

Source: @RubyCademy

they also shared about:

Source: @RubyCademy

οΈπŸ’» Brad Gessler shared a code sample about using Phlex:

Source: @bradgessler

οΈπŸ’» Yaroslav Shmarov shared how they implemented Cmd+Enter for submitting comments:

Source: @yarotheslav (read on Threadreader)

Source: @yarotheslav

οΈπŸ’» Vincent Rolea shared about implementing resume the session:

Source: @vincentrolea (read on Threadreader)

πŸ’» Stan Lo announced that RDoc got ancestor list in the class page’s sidebar thanks to Alex Bernard contribution:

Source: @_st0012

πŸ’» Samuel Williams shared a benchmark about the performance of async-http + protocol-http + protocol-rack:

Source: @ioquatix

οΈπŸ’» Γ­talo Matos shared a code sample about Refinements:

Source: @italomatos

πŸ“ Thinking about Code Design

Source: @jorgemanru

οΈπŸ“ Jason Swett shared about how to think about authorization:

Source: @JasonSwett

οΈπŸ“ BenjamΓ­n Silva H. shared the performance from enabling jemalloc:

Source: @bsilva96

πŸ’‘Around code (news, findings, books, and more - all about Ruby)

Source: @rails

πŸ’‘ Colby Swandale shared they are introducing a Maintainer Role at RubyGems Blog

❀️ Why Choose Ruby and Rails

❀️ Typecraft shared about Rails 8:

❀️ Irina Nazarova shared about being louder about Ruby:

🧰 Gems, Libraries, Tools and Updates

πŸ†• New Gems and Repos

Source: @coorasse

🧰 Updates

🧰 Jean Boussier announced a new release of ruby/json 

🧰 Peter Solnica announced a new version of dry-rb - dry-operation v1.0 - Introduction

🧰 Mari Imaizumi announced a new version of Release v0.5.11 Β· ruby/reline Β· GitHub

Source: @ima1zumi

🀝 Samuel Williams shared about default configurations:

Source: @ioquatix

️🀝 Xavier Noria shared about API docs:

Source: @fxn

🀝 Jason Swett shared about programming as creative work:

Source: @JasonSwett

️🀝 Jeremy Smith an advice about setting up AWS S3 buckets for developers:

🀝 Bilal Hussain shared lesser-known (or better said used) HTML features (here is the first part - but click to see the entire image)

🀝 Kyrylo Silin shared about Zsh repeat command:

Source: @kyrylosilin

🀝 Akash Manohar shared about setting Stripe:

Source: @HashNuke

More content: πŸ“š πŸ—ž 🎧 πŸŽ₯ ✍🏾

πŸ—ž Newsletters

πŸ—ž This Week In Rails published a new article about Rails 8.0: No PaaS Required

πŸ—ž Ruby Weekly published a new article about This one's for Jason Seifer

🎧 Podcasts

🎧 David Hill published a new episode of Ode to RailsConf about Ashley Ellis Pearce

🎧 Jason Swett published a new podcast about The Code with Jason Podcast - Code with Jason

🎧 Thoughtbot published a new podcast about The Bike Shed: 445: Working Iteratively

🎧 RemoteRuby published a new podcast about Solid Cable with Nick Pezza

πŸ“½οΈ πŸŽ₯ Videos

πŸŽ₯ Confreaks, Llc published the videos from Rocky Mountain Ruby 2024

πŸŽ₯ Dean De Hart published a new video about Rails 8 FTP Server with Kamal 2 and SFTP Go

✍🏾 Articles

What’s new πŸ†•

Kasper Timm Hansen published an article about How to Grok a Rails Application for the First Time

Andrey Marchenko published an article about How We Built a Ruby Library That Saves 50% in Testing Time

Andrea Fomera published an article about Why (and when!) I use ViewComponents

Thomas Countz published an article about Low-Poly Image Generation using Evolutionary Algorithms in Ruby

Felipe Vogel published an article about Alpine.js as a Stimulus alternative | Felipe Vogel

JoΓ«l Quenneville published a new article about 4 tips when getting started with Hotwire

Greg Molnar published a new article about Deploying a Jekyll site with Kamal

Hugo Vast published an article about My journey to send 100 mails to 500k effortlessly

Dimiter Petrov published a new article about "We don't deploy on Fridays"

JuliΓ‘n PinzΓ³n Eslava published an article about Customising Single Table Inheritance mapping in Active Record

William Kennedy published a new article about Up and Running with Hotwire Native iOS 3 - Bridge Components

JetThoughts published an article about Ruby on Rails 8: Custom Compression for Encrypted Data

Alexandre Barret published an article about Perfecting Your Rails Form: Nested Attributes

Ahmed Nadar published an article about Common Issues with Rails Textarea Whitespace Behaviour

Rails Designer published a new article about Store UI State in localStorage with Stimulus

How-TOs πŸ“

Exequiel Rozas published a new article about Friendly URLs with the FriendlyId gem

Mika Henriksson published an article about How to use kamal destinations and about Server provisioning for a kamal setup

Shah Zaib published an article about Handling Errors and Job Lifecycles in Rails 7.1: Master ActiveJob with retry_on, discard_on, and after_discard

Kevin Sylvestre published an article about Using GraphQL with LLMs in Ruby

Reni Mercier published an article about Poking around PostgreSQL full-text search: a beginners primer


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