Newsletter update #2

Reverting to one single email format

This will not come as a surprise that the choice is to receive one single email. This matches the conclusion of my previous analysis here:

What will change

  • I will return to the initial newsletter format (the one before the split that includes everything inside), with the “More content” section kept as text without expanding it to screenshots.

  • For anyone that likes the format of the content edition, I will still publish it but only on the web — not sending it via email.

Thus you will receive one single email, and if you want to read the content format, there will be a button/link in the newsletter going to the content format.


I have to say that for me - having the newsletter split in two - worked. But of course that this is very subjective.

From the views or clicks perspective, in Analysis of the two newsletter format I described what I see from newsletter stats, and there were some changes in the stats that could show that it was not working for everyone or at least as intended.

Thus last week, I asked the audience directly about this. Here are the results (one from the Code edition and the other from the Content edition):

A bit of explanation:

  • Every newsletter consists of three publications: a public post on the web, an email sent to free subscribers, and an email sent to paying subscribers.

  • I have included screenshots of the results from the emails sent to free subscribers. Two emails were sent, one for the Code edition and one for the Content edition.

  • I selected these two options as they have received the most votes. Even if I combine all six sources of content (emails and public articles), the majority vote is against sending two emails for each Short Ruby edition.

Thus the conclusion is simple: people favour the previous format with one single email sent.


or to participate.