Short Ruby News - Edition #35

Briefly about everything happening in Ruby world - week 12 of 2023


The images are now clickable. I also wrote a longer post about an update I plan to do to the newsletter probably in April.

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There are early-bird tickets available and the call for speakers is still open in case you are considering submitting a talk proposal.

👐 Our Community

Ruby 2.7 might be EOL at the end of March 2023:

👐 Postmodern shared a possible explanation about why it seems that few people are learning Ruby:

👉Lucian Ghinda asked about the most significant advantage of using Rails today:

Here are five of the answers, but I collected them all here:

👐 Calvin Walzel announced that reached 20 companies:

👐 Andy Croll shared an open invitation to join as a mentor at

👐 Jason Swett announced that Code with Jason Meetup will have from April some Europe-friendly time slots. Register here

👐 Kevin Newton started a discussion about the sustainability of open-source projects:

👐 Joe Masilotti announced that RailsDevs Github Repo now has over 100 contributors:

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👉 All about Code and Ruby

👉Will Cosgrove shared a code sample showing a helper for stimulus data attributes:

👉Nate Berkopec shared a performance tip about the recommended number of threads with Puma on MRI:

Volodymyr.Mykhailyk asked about the reason why this recommendation and Nate Matykiewicz explained

👉Joel Drapper shared a piece of code showing how Phlex can asynchronously render content:

👉Shiva shared a code sample showing how Policy Object Pattern can handle permissions, roles and policies:

👉David shared a code sample showing an active link helper:

👉Matt Swanson shared a code sample about how to use ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier:

👉Brad Gessler shared a code sample showing how to use Phlex inside a controller:

Brad also shared a code sample showing Phlex views with the same name as controller actions:

👉Josef Strzibny shared a tip about how to check generators from gems:

👉Janko Marohnić shared a comparison between Sequel and ActiveRecord:

👉Rishi Pithadiya shared a short Rails tip that reduces database calls:

👉 Shiva Kumar shared a thread about the Query Object Pattern:

👉Greg Navis shared a code sample showing how to implement final classes using in Ruby:

👉Eric Berry shared a command that helps showing the list of all gems in a Rails app:

👉Greg Navis shared a code sample showing how to implement lazy accessors:

👉Kirill Shevchenko shared a thread about the State Pattern:

And you can see here the implementation of parent class:

🧰 Gems, Libraries, and Updates

This is what Shoes were:

And this is what Scarpe is:

🧰 Kevin Newton announced that yarp: Yet Another Ruby Parser is 100% compliant on all test targets:

🧰 Janko Marohnić shared a gem called tus-server - a Ruby server for the tus resumable upload protocol.

🧰 Vinicius Stock shared a new release v0.4.2 of ruby-lsp

Vinicius also announced the release of v.0.2.2 of the VScode Ruby LSP extension. Read the release notes

🧰 Avo announced an update to their roadmap for Avo 3 → Avo Admin for Rails

🧰 Jeremy Evans announced a new release v 2.29.0 of Rodauth 2.29.0 Released

🧰 Mike Coutermarsh created a new PR in Rails project about Fix Rails generated index name being too long (this might be part of Rails 7.1 - but is not yet merged)

🧰 Ben Pickles announced a new gem parklife and also published an article about Introducing Parklife

🤝 Related (but not Ruby-specific)

🤝 Gabriel Arcangel Zayas shared a quote about legacy code

🤝Samuel Motal shared how learning changes as we gain more knowledge:

🤝Jason Swett shared tips about how to facilitate writing tests:

🤝 Nate Berkopec shared a brute force-like way to make SQL performance improvements that he calls SQL Shotgun method:

🤝Victoria Melnikova shared a thread about lessons learned while building communities:

Here are some of the points shared, but you should read the thread as it has concrete examples:

  • “Start building your community as early as possible, but ONLY when you're ready to show up consistently”

  • “Empower your community by giving them a voice in decision-making”

  • “Break down barriers to participation by recognizing and rewarding novice and experienced contributors alike”

  • “Create incentives for engineers to stick around and encourage senior members to educate less experienced ones”

  • “Toxic community cannot unlearn being toxic”

  • “A good community leader is honest, transparent, communicates with integrity, and is a good diplomat”

  • “Running a community is hard”

  • “Learn to leverage your community for major releases”

  • “Cultivate a welcoming community”

  • “Software engineers are tough customers”

🤝 Robby Russell shared a thread with multiple articles about interns experiences:

Here is the list of articles shared:

🤝Nate Berkopec shared a thread about reasons to work on performance on web applications:

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👀 Graceful.Dev announced that their course Flawless Ruby is now free:

👀 Eric Berry shared their intention to create a course about RubyMine. If you are interested reply to Eric. I think this is indeed needed:

👀 Avdi Grimm announced they are opening their Coaching & Counsel with Avdi

👀 Andrea Rocca announced a pre-order of their book about Learn Hotwire

🗞 Newsletters

🗞️ Ruby Weekly published a new edition: ChatGPT makes a contribution to Rails

🗞 Ruby Radar published a new edition Ruby Radar #95 - Scarpe Diem!

🗞️ Ruby LibHunt published a new edition of the Awesome Ruby Newsletter




📽️ Jason Swett published a new episode of Code With Jason Meetup about Code review (2023-03-23)


🎥 Drifting Ruby published two episodes:

🎥 Deanin published new videos:

🎥 Matt Swanson published a video talking about single file principle - Building a feature in one single file

🎥Yaroslav Shmarov published two new episodes:


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Deep Dives


🤗 Founding Members supporting ShortRuby

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