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- π» Short Ruby News - The Code Edition #42
π» Short Ruby News - The Code Edition #42
Briefly about everything happening in Ruby world - week 19 of 2023
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π Our Community
π Friendly.rb has recently announced their first speaker for the upcoming September conference. There is an affordable Community Sponsorship

π Blue Ridge Ruby announced their schedule for the June conference: blueridgeruby.com/schedule

π Nate Berkopec shared about compensation:

π Helvetic Ruby shared the speakers line up for the November conference:

π Ruby Conf Th announced the tickets are on Sale at rubyconfth.com/tickets

π Dave Kimura launched a new website gowithruby.com

π It's always interesting to learn why others appreciate the tools we utilize on a daily basis. Go ahead and click to read the replies

π All about Code and Ruby
π Noel Rappin asked about the most elegant code:

Here are some replies:

There are many more replies to Noel question. You should check them all.
Noel compiled all responses in a gist file, including some ChatGPT-generated versions. If you want to know which ones are generated by ChatGPT read this
π Postmodern shared that Ruby 3.3.0-preview1 is available to be installed with ruby-install:

π Greg Navis shared a thread about Rails middleware deep dive. Here is just one of the explanations shared in the thread

πIgor Kapkov shared a code sample about private vs protected methods:

π Brad Gessler asked about the most annoying thing when working with Rails forms:

Here is a summary of the replies, but please do read them in the thread as for each one there is more context:
confusing naming for form_for, form_with and the likes and inconsistent naming of form helpers
hard to work with input masks
the need to list all field names twice (once again for strong parameters)
dynamic nested forms, adding form fields for collections
many-to-many checkboxes and nested attributes
styling for labels, hints and error messages
order of options for form builder methods
radio buttons that revel more options
π Mitsuhiro Shibuya shared live tweets during Matz presentation at RubyKaigi. Here is one of the tweets, translated via Google:

πγγγγγ shared a visual representation of Matz presentation. Here is just one of the amazing drawings they created:

πJanko MarohniΔ shared a performance improvement of running systems tests with Cuprite:

π David Heinemeier Hansson announced a new caching approach implemented for Hey.com that will probably announce at RailsWorld:

π Nate Berkopec shared a quick tip about how to improve app performance:

π Maxim Gurin shared a tip about how to check in a non-Rails codebase that activesupport is not loaded:

π Matt Swanson shared a code sample about processing webhooks:

π Takashi Kokubun shared a tutorial to write a Ruby JIT Check the Github repo at ruby-jit-challenge: Tutorial to write a Ruby JIT

π Nate Hopkins shared a thread about data modeling:

π§° Gems, Libraries, and Updates
π§° Thomas Cannon announced the first release of devise-passkeys Read the changelog

π§° Sharon Rosner announced the release of version 1.0 for polyphony: Fine-grained concurrency for Ruby

π§° Mike Perham announced the release of Faktory version 1.7.0 Read the changelog

π§° Noel Rappin announced their new gem warning_signs: A gem for managing Ruby and Rails dependencies

π§° Mike Dalessio announced a new release v.2.21.0 of loofah Read the release notes

π§° Nate Hopkins announced they published a new update for model_probe: ActiveRecord schema visualization and model organization made easy

π§° Oldmoe announced a new release for litestack (gem for Ruby and Ruby on Rails that provides an all-in-one solution for web application development. It exploits the power and embeddedness of SQLite to include a full-fledged SQL database, a fast cache and a robust job queue all in a single package)

π§° Avo announced a new release for Avo version 2.32. Read the release notes

π§° Stanislav (Stas) Katkov shared a docker image optimized for rails ledermann/docker-rails-base: Optimized Docker base images for Rails applications

π§° Jeremy Evans announced the release of version 3.68.0 of Roda Read the changelog

π§° Nate Berkopec shared a PR implemented by Jean Boussier about Make Active Record's query cache an LRU by casperisfine

π§° Juan Pablo Balarini shared that their PR that adds picture_tag helper was merged to Rails main:

π§° Bozhidar Batsov announced the release of version 1.51 of RuboCop Read the release notes

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π€ Related (but not Ruby-specific)
π€ Nate Berkopec shared about the need to implement Web Application Firewall:

π€ Thiago Massa shared a thread proposing to reconsider naming tech debt:

π€ Marvin Von Hagen shared the prompt used by Github Copilot Chat:

You can read The Content Edition if you want to discover the content created in Ruby World in week 19 of 2023:
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